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Sunday, February 2, 2014

1.4 - Hailing Rain

Since I stayed up late into the night out and about, I let myself sleep in until early afternoon. Unfortunately, I woke up to this picture.

However, I wouldn't let a little rain (thought it seemed to hail more than rain) keep me from enjoying myself. I decided to spend my time indoors, so I went to the bookstore to find a good book. I finally settled on the latest logic book since I was still trying to get ready for college and needed it for my dream job, too.

After I bought my book, it was still hailing, so I decided to call Judy Rodgers to see if she wanted to hang out. We met at a local bar, which I'd never heard of before. We had a lot of fun making our own drinks and talking.

I wasn't even too annoyed when Marvin (the paparazzi) kept following me. I even flirted with him a little. I mean, he is kind of cute. The hat.

I told my famous ghost story and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I really enjoyed my time with Judy (and Marvin), but near the end of the night, she didn't seem like herself, so I wished her well and she went home.

She had wondered off a few times and I found out later what she was doing. Hmmm....

*lovesstorms notes*
It seriously hailed ALL day. I know others have had issues with this type of thing, but if it rains too much, I end up cheating to turn it off. That's not normal in most areas. :) I was trying SO hard not do that, though. LOL!

Judy did have 3 (yes, 3) drinks! So, I wasn't really sure what was going on. Obviously, pregnancy was #1 on my list. Only time would tell. :)

1.5 - Leisure Day
:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


I really appreciate that you spent your time reading my wishacy, I enjoy talking to my readers, so feel free to...

  1. Hmmm wonder if it was just the drinks or is she preggo. Guess we'll find out. :)

  2. Marvin is cute. I like his hat too. =D Wonder what's wrong with Judy. . .

  3. LOL, either that or Judy is a lightweight and she is vomiting from being drunk. Oh so much hail/rain. XD I guess that's the part of Seasons that can get annoying, huh? Even though I've heard for the most part it is an awesome expansion to have. :)

    1. Haha!! Oh, yes, the hail and rain. Yes, it gets VERY annoying. Thankfully, it's easy to get rid of either by the Options tab or shift+clicking on the ground. I try to let it go, but one time (during this wishacy), it rained for 2 sim days. Ugh! I can handle it sometimes, but that was way too long for me. So, I decided I am allowed to change the weather (not all the time, but using my judgement, I will). :) I do love all the seasons, though. It is a good expansion pack. My favorite toy is the snowboarding pipe. :)

  4. The hail and rain upsets me too. I have mods for that though.

    1. You know, I've thought about getting mods for that, but I guess I can easily turn it off and then if I really want it to rain, I can turn it on. How do the mods work? Do you tell the game to rain every so often, percentage, etc?

    2. You change the temp ranges. So, it will only rain if the temperatures are between a certain degree. I've pretty much made it balmy in every single town because I hate the rain (this is using twallan's tempest mod). Also, I have the rain a lot less mod by bluegenjutsu over at

    3. Oh, thanks! I'll definitely look into those! :)

  5. I'd bet my hat she's knocked up - I've yet to have a sim throw up from drinking... only me :p It'll give Justine a bit of practoce with babies if so!

    I don't mind the rain so much - I'm British so I'm used to it. What I hate is the thunder! Once i had lightening for about three days running - not only did it keep scaring me but I had three horses on the lot I was playing who completely lost the plot!

    Rose XX

    1. Like maybe 90% of the time they are pregnant. I did have her throw up once, but I never did find out why. I didn't have any moodlets to help me figure it out.

      I don't mind the rain, either. In fact (as you can see by my username) I LOVE storms. However, in the game, it's tough because I like to take pictures and can't as much where there is so much rain all the time.

      Haha about the horses! :) I like thunder/lightning, but not when it is so close. Those scare me a little. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!!

  6. Hmmm.... I'm eager to find out what's wrong with Judy. ;)
